Arizona Sunset Assisted Living
Queen Creek, Arizona

The most common question we receive is "How much does it cost?" We prefer to know more about our residents, their families, and their circumstances and budgets prior to giving a quote for care within our home. However, we are able to offer a likely range of pricing. Pricing is based on level of care required: Supervisory, Personal, or Directed Care. Supervisory Care is the most affordable, with Directed Care being the most expensive. If a potential resident is able to ambulate (walk) safely without assistance, use the toilet independently, and sleep normal nighttime hours, they can expect the lower range of pricing.
Private Room (shared bathroom): Low - $3500/mo High - $6000/mo
Private Room with private bath: Low - $4000/mo High - $6000
Master Bedroom Suite private: Low - $5000/mo High- $8000/mo
Master Bedroom Suite semi- private: Low - $3500/mo High- $4500/mo
Semi Private room: Low - $2700/mo High - $3500/mo
All rates include:
24hr certified caregiver on staff
Resident supervision by a nurse practitioner
Home-cooked meals, housekeeping, medication administration, activities & laundry service
Transportation arrangements - additional fees apply for transportation, however, if the resident can transfer to a personal vehicle, we refer to a certified caregiver contractor that offers a very affordable rate of $25-35 trip charge plus $15/hr for a caregiver to accompany them. Our residents appreciate the comfort of having a caregiver attend their appointments with them rather than being dropped off by medical transport.
Assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, transferring, eating, etc)
Our personal guarantee from our family to yours that we will love and care for your family members as if they were our own.